Mero Neelakantha Mero Mobile is the official app of Neelakantha Nagarpalika, Government of Nepal. This app helps realize the Nagarpalika’s goal of open local government. It directly connects local citizens to the Municipal Government of Neelakantha through its various features. As a user of this app, you can:1.Browse services details (service procedure, required documents, expected time of completion, associated fees, etc.)2.Explore municipal and ward budget, income and expenditure details with their periodic updates (in the new format prescribed by the Government).3.View interactive Maps of municipal and ward projects with details on when they will start, expected date of completion, current status of the projects, contractor details, etc.4.View municipal resource maps (schools, colleges, health institutions, financial institutions, etc.) using interactive map visualizations.5.View notices, decisions, reports, publications, tenders released by the Municipality.6.Stay updated with the municipality’s latest news and events.7.View municipal statistics in charts and graphs.8.Directly contact elected representatives and Municipal officials directly.9.Directly engage in a two-way communication with the Neelakantha government regarding its services, budget, projects, etc.This app is developed by Kathmandu Living Labs under the guidance of Neelakantha Nagarpalika.